Loop in Ansible

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If you are falifilar with any of program language, you can understand loop in Ansible as iteration like for. while, or etc..


Loop lines in a file

Answer from Cristian was the answer.


directory structure

├── files
│   └── list.txt
└── tasks
    └── main.yml

In tasks/main.yml,

- debug:
    msg:  "{{ item }}"
  loop: "{{ lookup('file', 'files/list.txt').splitlines() }}"

In files/list.txt,

This is the first line.
I'm second line.
Last line

Playbook resulst

$ ansible-playbook tasks/main.yml --connection=local

TASK [Check_locale : debug] ******************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=This is the first line.) => {
    "msg": "This is the first line."
ok: [localhost] => (item=I'm second line.) => {
    "msg": "I'm second line."
ok: [localhost] => (item=Last line) => {
    "msg": "Last line"

Loop variables

directory structure

├── tasks
│   └── main.yml
└── vars
    └── main.yml

In vars/main.yml,

# TCP keepalive
- {parameter: "net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time",    value:  30}
- {parameter: "net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl",   value:  15}
- {parameter: "net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes",  value:  3}

In tasks/main.yml,

- name: iteration check.
  loop: "{{ tcp_kernel_parameters }}"
  when: "tcp_kernel_parameters is defined"
    msg:  "{{ item.parameter }} hoo {{ item.value }}"