Cognito - tutorial

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First thing you should decide

We should decided “User pool” or “Identity pool”.

Here is the official blog post about the differences.

In a nut shell, User pools are for authentication (identify verification), and Identity pools are for authorization (access control).

I’ll try an User pool.

Future scope: integrate with AppSync.


1. Create an User pool

I followed the link. Very easy.

  1. Choose Manage User Pools.
  2. Manage User Pools.
  3. Pool-Name=atlex00-test, and Review defaults.
  • Erforderliche Attribute: email
  1. Create pool.

2. Create a sample user

  1. Allgemeine Einstellungen -> Benutzer und Gruppen
  2. benutzer erstellen
  3. Username=test01, Check “E-Mail”, empty Temporäres Passwort.
  4. I got temporary password via email from

3. Configure for a client (your app)

  1. App-Clients -> Add an app client.
  2. Input information.
  • atlex00-test-Client
  • Uncheck “Generate client secret”
  1. Keep App-Client-ID. In this post, I mark as {{ app_client_id }}
  2. App client settings
  3. Check “cognito User Pool”
  4. Add a callback URL. I tested with http://localhost/top
  5. Add a sign out URL. http://localhost/sign-out
  6. Configure OAuth 2.0.
  • Check “Athorization code grant”
  • Check “openid”
  1. Save

4. Add Cognito endpoint

  1. App integration -> Domain Name
  2. cognito domain add atlex00-test
  3. Save changes

5. Use the account!

After the instructions above, I could access the following URL.{{ app_client_id }}&redirect_uri=http://localhost/top`

When I login to with the account which I created, it prompted me to change the default password.

After changing the password, it redirect me to the callback URL with authorization code parameter!
