I found the good slide which contains good figures to understand AWS network.
From the slide 10/58.
The latency within the Region is ~2ms.
across AZs (AZa, AZb, AZc).172.31.(11|21|31).0/24
+ Target=local
+ Target=igw-abcdefgh
. igw
is an “Internet GateWay”.Multi AZ by default.
Private-only: Everything runs in a private subnet and Kubernetes cannot create internet-facing load balancers for your pods. Public-only: Everything runs in a public subnet, including your nodes.
If we want to public our services via service
-> Public-only
The instances in the public subnet can send outbound traffic directly to the Internet, whereas the instances in the private subnet can’t. Instead, the instances in the private subnet can access the Internet by using a network address translation (NAT) gateway that resides in the public subnet. The database servers can connect to the Internet for software updates using the NAT gateway, but the Internet cannot establish connections to the database servers.
When you launch an instance in a default VPC, we assign it a public IP address by default. When you launch an instance into a nondefault VPC, the subnet has an attribute that determines whether instances launched into that subnet receive a public IP address from the public IPv4 address pool. By default, we don’t assign a public IP address to instances launched in a nondefault subnet. … A public IP address is assigned to your instance from Amazon’s pool of public IPv4 addresses, and is not associated with your AWS account. When a public IP address is disassociated from your instance, it is released back into the public IPv4 address pool, and you cannot reuse it.
auto scaling
Launch template is recommended than Launch configuration.
https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/eks-optimized-amis.html https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/aws-eks/ ami-03303797cba33c750
aws ec2 create-launch-template \
--launch-template-name TemplateForWebServer \
--version-description WebVersion1 \
--launch-template-data '{"NetworkInterfaces":[{"AssociatePublicIpAddress":true,"DeviceIndex":0,"Ipv6AddressCount":1,"SubnetId":"subnet-7b16de0c"}],"ImageId":"ami-03303797cba33c750","InstanceType":"t2.nano","TagSpecifications":[{"ResourceType":"instance","Tags":[{"Key":"purpose","Value":"webserver"}]}]}'