Please delete a backquote (\
) in the follwoing snippet.
I added it because of a Hugo rendering issue.
[text to be hyperlinked]({\{< ref "hugo/" >}})
You don’t need to append contents
in the reference.
When you open this hugo document in local hugo server
the link is referred as http://localhost:1313/hugo/article
When you open this hugo document on the hosted server, the link is referred as http://{{ your_base_URL_in_config.toml ]}/hugo/article
[lifetime in Rust]({\{< relref "#10-generic-types-traits-and-lifetimes" >}})
The name of anchor is created automatically by Hugo.
[my quick note about function pointer]({\{< relref "rust/getting-started#194-advanced-functions-and-closures" >}})