My simple Vim environment

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I wrote the article while installing on WSL. But this instruction works in any Linux environment basically.

Color scheme - jellybeans

If you don’t install git, please install it first.

sudo apt install -y git
git config --global {{ my_email_address }}
git config --global {{ my_handle_name }}

Download a color scheme jellybeans and put it to correct path.

mkdir ~/.vim
cd ~/.vim
mkdir colors
git clone
mv jellybeans.vim/colors/jellybeans.vim ~/.vim/colors/jellybeans.vim

Finally, write ~/.vimrc like follows.

colorscheme jellybeans
set expandtab
set tabstop=2
set softtabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set number
syntax on
set t_Co=256
set foldmethod=syntax

If you are in remote server, add the line in .bashrc.
