Libraries I need a few libraries for NLP and each of them are very powerful. I downloaded all of these libraries via pip, like pip install -U {package}. In the last section, I summaraized the libraries and I can install them at once later.
spaCy: Open source NLP library. NLTK: Natural Language ToolKit. It is older than spaCy (spaCy 2015~, NLTK 2001~). gensim: NLP tools. I installed it for Doc2Vec. TensorFlow: For custom models of machine learning including Keras.
I followed this post.
cf) DNS-01 Challenge:
Check the certificate certbot certificates Create a new certificate Prepare E-mail address for notifications from Let’s Encrypt (in followin case You should be ables to change the DNS records (TXT records) of the domain. Create the certificate certbot --manual --preferred-challenges dns certonly \ -d \ -d \ # SAN in the certificate Here is the sample messages.
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.
Vivaldi (or Chromium or Chrome) setting Go to Preferences -> Search.
Sample I use Lexico often to search the meaning of words (as dictionary).
Name: Lexico Nickname: lex URL: Check the Use POST method With this configuration, I can search the word, for example, “test” by type “lex test” in the browser’s URL box.
Concept of iptables It is a realy rule table in which the IP communication rules are. There are groups of these rules, and it’s called “chain'.
iptables configuration Configuration file You can see the configurations in the file /etc/iptables/rule.v4. Here is a sample line in the file.
-A chain-outgoing-services -s -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -m comment --comment "This is a comment." -j ACCEPT
-A chain-outgoing-services: Append the rule to chain chain-outgoing-services.
/etc/security/limits.conf Concept
/etc/security/limits.conf allows setting resource limits for users logged in via PAM. This is a useful way of preventing, for example, fork-bombs from using up all system resources.
Note: The file does not affect system services. For systemd services the files /etc/systemd/system.conf, /etc/systemd/user.conf, and /etc/systemd/<systemd_unit>/override.conf control the limit. See the systemd-system.conf(5) man page for details.
Config sample
* soft nofile 160000 The syntax of the lines is as follows:
This is a draft page.
Connect to MySQL Open your terminal and execute the following.
mysql -u root -p mysql: Connect to MySQL. -u root: as user root. -p : with the password. This command prompt you to input the password. After input your password, MySQL prmpt mysql> will appear.
Make a normal user Create normal user There are users im MySQL, different from OS user. I recommend to make a new simple user in order to access control.
Install Install MySQL in macOS with the installer Use official installer.
MySQL - Official Download page:
Initial password of the root user The root means the MySQL root user, not your macOS You should take a memo your password of root user (not Linux system super user.)
For CLI After running installer, add the PATH to ~/.zshrc (or your shell. Check with $echo SHELL).
alias mysql=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql alias mysqladmin=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin Check the version mysql --version /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql Ver 8.
Official document.
WSL (Nov, 2020) In my environment (Windows Subsystem Linux), I could install as follows.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh 1) Proceed with installation (default) 2) Customize installation 3) Cancel installation >1 echo "export PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH " >> ~/.bashrc CentOS8 CentOS 8 in GCP. Basically same, but just for a memo.
curl -sSf | sh When memory allocation failed, try to set up RUSTUP_UMPACK_RAM.
Update Rust If you install Rust in this way, you can update your Rust by the command below:
PGP and GPG PGP - Pretty Good Privacy GPG - GNU Privacy Guard oder GnuPG
The Free Software Foundation has developed its own OpenPGP-compliant program called GNU Privacy Guard (abbreviated GnuPG or GPG).
Install GPG on MacOS Installing homebrew first
Refer to
And install it.
brew install gnupg Use GPG keygen Generate a key pair
gpg --gen-key Real name: My Realname Email Address: (Okay) (Enter the pass) As a default, the key type is RSA 2048.
Installing stacks You may be confused at first the differences between,
pyenv virtualenv pyenv-virtualenv Especially, virtualenv sounds like Linux virtual environment, but it isn’t at all. Here is the good answer about that.
Conclusion: pyenv-virtualenv is the best choice.
pyenv-virtualenv official:
Install pyenv Install pyenv in macOS (or other Linux environments).
# Download source under ~/.pyenv git clone ~/.pyenv # Set PATH and another variable echo -e '\n export PYENV_ROOT=$HOME/.