Intro : overried ENTRYPOINT of a DOcker image in k8s We can overried ENTRYPOINT value in a Docker image with command argumanet. CMD can’t be overwrrided by command argument. We have to use args argument instead.
Here is an official sample.
pods/commands.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: command-demo labels: purpose: demonstrate-command spec: containers: - name: command-demo-container image: debian command: ["printenv"] args: ["HOSTNAME", "KUBERNETES_PORT"] restartPolicy: OnFailure Inject environment variable In container section, add env.
ReplicationController No more details than official document.
It enables HA, auto scaling, multi node controll (across nodes). This is the first fancy function in k8s!!
ReplicaSet ReplicaSet is kind of newer version of ReplicationController.
In stead of ReplicationController and ReplicaSet, we create “Deployment” object to manage Pods. Actually, Deployment use ReplicaSet and when we create a Deployment it creates ReplicaSet automatically.
Labels and Selectors By labels, Selectors can select the Pod which should be monitored by the Selector.
Namespace As I worte before, namespace is kind of logical boundary. Normaly, objects in namesapce A can’t communicate with objects in namespace B. So far, all objects are deployed in namespace default. We tagged name to a objects, and in the same namespaces object can be refered by its name label.
Create a namespace kubectl create namespace dev # change namespace permanently kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=dev # My note kubectl config current-context #microk8s Or we can define namespace in YAML file also.
Environment Please refer to the set up memo .
I suppose you are already familiar to Docker image.
K8s basic concepts In k8s environment, there are a few concepts we should know before starting.
“INTRODUCTION TO KUBERNETES” from AWS is a conprehensive article.
note. Architecture:
K8s objects While creating your own k8s environment, you create and delete a lot of types of objects, such as,
Pod ReplicaSet Deployment Service Namespace and so on.
Pre-requirement of this post Host OS: Ubuntu18.04 snapd is install (for snapcraft.) Kubernetes is abbreviated as k8s. For single host k8s environment, there is a good k8s implementation called microk8s. I’ll use it. Setup on Ubuntu Install Docker and microk8s Install softwares, Docker and microk8s.
sudo snap install docker sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.18/stable Granting permission
sudo usermod -a -G microk8s $USER sudo chown -f -R $USER ~/.kube After re-login, check the k8s status.