

Install Basics install pip install -U mecab-python3 Download dictionary These wheels include an internal (statically linked) copy of the MeCab library, and a copy of the mecab-ipadic dictionary (using UTF-8 text encoding), which is automatically used by default. If you wish to use a different dictionary, you will need to install it yourself, write a mecabrc file directing MeCab to use it, and set the environment variable MECABRC to point to this file.

Install MySQL on macOS

Install Install MySQL in macOS with the installer Use official installer. MySQL - Official Download page: Initial password of the root user The root means the MySQL root user, not your macOS You should take a memo your password of root user (not Linux system super user.) For CLI After running installer, add the PATH to ~/.zshrc (or your shell. Check with $echo SHELL). alias mysql=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql alias mysqladmin=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin Check the version mysql --version /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql Ver 8.

Install Rust on various platform

Official document. WSL (Nov, 2020) In my environment (Windows Subsystem Linux), I could install as follows. curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh 1) Proceed with installation (default) 2) Customize installation 3) Cancel installation >1 echo "export PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH " >> ~/.bashrc CentOS8 CentOS 8 in GCP. Basically same, but just for a memo. curl -sSf | sh When memory allocation failed, try to set up RUSTUP_UMPACK_RAM. Update Rust If you install Rust in this way, you can update your Rust by the command below:

pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv - Intro

Installing stacks You may be confused at first the differences between, pyenv virtualenv pyenv-virtualenv Especially, virtualenv sounds like Linux virtual environment, but it isn’t at all. Here is the good answer about that. Conclusion: pyenv-virtualenv is the best choice. pyenv-virtualenv official: Install pyenv Install pyenv in macOS (or other Linux environments). # Download source under ~/.pyenv git clone ~/.pyenv # Set PATH and another variable echo -e '\n export PYENV_ROOT=$HOME/.

Install Node.js on macOS

Install On Ubuntu 20 curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs On Ubuntu 20 in GCP (Mar. 2021) curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs On macOS brew update brew install node Check Version check as of March 2020. node --version #v13.10.1 npm --version #6.13.7 Update npm version npm install -g npm@latest

Setup Hugo Blog

Hugo is a static web site generator. I use Hugo to make this page (see general->impress). Caution I wouldn’t recommend this method if you want to upgrade hugo continuously. Install TL;DR If you are Go-lang user, please go next section. Unless, I highly recommend you, who just want to use Hugo features (not Go), to install as follows (official says “Install Hugo from Tarball”). curl -sSL -o hugo.tar.gz tar xvfz hugo.