Namespace As I worte before, namespace is kind of logical boundary. Normaly, objects in namesapce A can’t communicate with objects in namespace B. So far, all objects are deployed in namespace default. We tagged name to a objects, and in the same namespaces object can be refered by its name label.
Create a namespace kubectl create namespace dev # change namespace permanently kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=dev # My note kubectl config current-context #microk8s Or we can define namespace in YAML file also.
Environment Please refer to the set up memo .
I suppose you are already familiar to Docker image.
K8s basic concepts In k8s environment, there are a few concepts we should know before starting.
“INTRODUCTION TO KUBERNETES” from AWS is a conprehensive article.
note. Architecture:
K8s objects While creating your own k8s environment, you create and delete a lot of types of objects, such as,
Pod ReplicaSet Deployment Service Namespace and so on.
Pre-requirement of this post Host OS: Ubuntu18.04 snapd is install (for snapcraft.) Kubernetes is abbreviated as k8s. For single host k8s environment, there is a good k8s implementation called microk8s. I’ll use it. Setup on Ubuntu Install Docker and microk8s Install softwares, Docker and microk8s.
sudo snap install docker sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.18/stable Granting permission
sudo usermod -a -G microk8s $USER sudo chown -f -R $USER ~/.kube After re-login, check the k8s status.